Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Resources for Your Applied Research Reports: NewPR Wiki and Creative Commons

Here's a great resource on corporate blogging and "new" forms of public relations: NewPR Wiki. There's also a really helpful timeline of bloggers in the PR industry.

We will also be discussing in class the use of a Creative Commons license for your applied research reports. You can learn about licenses specifically for text documents like the reports you will be writing. By the way, while you're there, I would encourage you to read about Kembrew McLeod who is a faculty member in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa, my Ph.D. alma mater. Kembrew arrived as a new faculty member the year I defended my dissertation. He has tremendous insight into intellectual property and copyright issues, and is a huge prankster (like the time he sold his soul on eBay!). Extremely sharp and witty, definitely learn more about him!